Ce fut une saison pleine d’action passionnante et de bons souvenirs !
Après 12 semaines inoubliables, la ligue pour jeunes a pris fin à la fin de juin et Excellence Sur Glace tient à remercier tous les participants pour leurs efforts au cours de la saison.
Nous avons ajouté quelques photos à nos pages Facebook et Instagram, mais vous pouvez aussi trouver quelques photos de votre équipe dans la galerie ci-dessous.
(Avec 223 équipes, nous savons que certains d’entre vous nous ont manqué, alors n’hésitez pas à partager les vôtres avec nous !)
Nous espérons que vous avez tous apprécié votre saison et nous espérons vous revoir l’année prochaine !
Bravo à tous nos finalistes 2019!
YPHL 2019
- Hockey players participating in Excellent Ice Kirkland’s Youth Pond Hockey League 2018.
- Hockey players participating in Excellent Ice Kirkland’s Youth Pond Hockey League 2018.
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland
- Players participate in the 2019 Youth Pond Hockey League at Excellent Ice Kirkland